After that, click on the Next button.
4.1 Message Class Filter: The message class process option allows to add message class using the 'Add' button. In this option, you can include or exclude the message class.
After click on add button a message class dialog box will pop-up. The message class dialog box will show some default messages inside the dialog box. Check the required message class using the checkbox and click the 'OK' button.
The default message cannot be removed from the list. You can only remove the added message class from the list.
4.2 Message Date Filter: This option allows you to process the message according to the date range.
4.3 Advance Scan: For more advanced features for conversion processes, click on this 'Advance Scan' button.
I. Use item Thread Count: Select Item Thread count form given drop-down.
II. Apply Filter using: There are various criteria that the user can use:
III. Folder Mapping: The folder mapping option allows the users to migrate items from one folder to another particular folder.
IV. Email Translation: Users can change the email address according to the destination server's email addresses. I.e. user@sourcedomain.com to user1@destinationdomain.com. The email translation feature is a highlighted feature of this software.
After following all the required step using "Advance Scan", Click the 'Next' button.