
Add EDB File

  1. Folder View
    • It displays the folders of added EDB file(s).
  2. Item View
    • Displays the items of the selected EDB folder.
  3. Item Preview
    • Display the item preview of selected item. Item preview is consists of four section.
      1. Item Body: By clicking on the Item body option you can see the body of selected item.
      2. Item Property: Here you can see the properties of the selected item.
      3. Recipient: By clicking on the recipient option, software will displays a preview of recipients.
      4. Attachment: To see the attachments of the selected item, click on the Attachment option.


Go to the ribbon bar and click on the Search option. There are three different search options given so the user can search desire item easily.

  1. General Option: General option allows the user to search the item by Include/Exclude Subject, CC, To, From, and BCC criteria. A brief segment of these options and functionalities are given below:

    • By selecting the include/exclude option from the drop-down arrow. The software will exclude/include the items based upon your selected criteria.

    • Subject : This option allows users to search Items on their subject name.
    • From : With this option, users can search for items in the name of the sender.
    • Cc: This option allows users to search items on the CC name of the message recipient.
    • To: This option allows users to search items on the receiver name of the message.
    • Bcc: This option allows users to search items on the BCC name of the message recipient.
  2. Item Property: The Item Property allows users to search the items in the following ways:
    1. Read Status: Read status drop-down bar allows users to search for items according to their Read/Unread status. It has three options:

    2. Read Items, Unread Items, and All Items.

    3. Message class: The Message class option is for the users who wish to search for items based upon their item types (Email, Note, Task).

    4. The message class filter option allows the users to add the message class using the add button. In this option, the user can include or exclude the message classes.

    5. For this, click on the Add button then a dialog will appear with some default message classes. Users can select the message class from dialog or also can type them manually. Once you have select or type message classes, click on the add button.
    6. Message Date: The Message date option allows users to search for items based upon the message date. The message date option consists of different options in the drop-down bar according to which the user can select the criteria they want.
      • Last 7 days
      • Last 30 days
      • Equal
      • Before
      • After
      • Between
  3. Attachment: Find items using their attachment properties.
    • Attachment Name: Search items by the name of their attachment.
    • Attachment Type: Search items by the type of their attachment.